I have some development tools I've used day-to-day, you might like them too...
Quickly find and replace stuff (commas to line breaks, regular expressions, etc)
Other tools can be found at http://www.parkapps.com/tools/
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Minify Javascript
We're having some problems with JavaScript not loading entirely for some users... I'm not sure why yet, but I came across this JSMin - JavaScript minifier. Excellent stuff.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Vertical multi-column list
function ge(obj) { return document.getElementById(obj); } /* Reorder a list that normally flows horizontally and refactor to flow vertically in the same area. Assumes that the li element has a css width and uses the shortcut function ge() */ function vertMultiColList(parentObj) { var nextColHtml = '
- '; // no quotes b/c IE is weird about rewriting HTML
// if this has already run take out any continued lists
parentObj.innerHTML = parentObj.innerHTML.replace(/<\/ul>
- /ig,''); // Firefox
parentObj.innerHTML = parentObj.innerHTML.replace(/<\/ul>
- /ig,''); // IE
var arrUl = document.getElementsByTagName('UL');
for(var j=0;j
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Auto format a date onblur to mm/dd/yyyy
reformats dates entered as m/d/yyyy to mm/dd/yyyy
function reformatDate(inp) {
var d = inp.value;
if(d.length==0) {
d = d.replace(/\/\//gi,'/'); // replace double slashes
var parsedDate = new Date(d);
var month = (parsedDate.getMonth() + 1).toString();
var date = parsedDate.getDate().toString(); //date is the day of the month
var year = parsedDate.getFullYear().toString();
if(month.length == 1)
month = '0' + month;
if(date.length == 1)
date = '0' + date.toString();
parsedDate = month + '/' + date + '/' + year;
inp.value = parsedDate;
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
focusing in on a field that's empty with javascript
There seems to be a weirdness when leaving a field that's empty and trying to get the browser to focus back on it. It does it momentarily, but then decides to go back. This script will force the cursor back and focus on the offending field after .1 seconds of leaving it.
var myInput = '';
function checkMe(obj) {
if(obj.value == '') {
myInput = obj;
myInput.style.background = 'yellow';
myInput.setAttribute('title','This is a required field and blah blah blah');
<input id="foo1" name="foo1" value="init" onchange="checkMe(this);">
<input id="foo2" name="foo2" value="check" onchange="checkMe(this);">
<input id="foo3" name="foo3" value="last" onchange="checkMe(this);">
Friday, July 11, 2008
MS-DOS stuff, tips, notes, etc
Ok, this is really old school to be working in DOS, but just in case I ever need it again...
@echo off : PARAMETER PASSING EXERCISES : TO RUN: : pass_param.bat "C:\Temp\dos_test.bat" :http://windowsitpro.com/article/articleid/13443/how-do-i-pass-parameters-to-a-batch-file.html :When you call a batch file, you can enter data after the command that the batch file :refers to as %1, %2, etc. For example, in the batch file hello.bat, the following command :clear the screen cls :http://talk.bmc.com/blogs/blog-gentle/anne-gentle/dos-timestamp-tips/view?searchterm=batch :create variable to hold yyyymmdd info by using substring function set yyyymmdd=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2% :clear current log and start with the following line (single >) echo %date% %time% Starting script > %log% :set the file log with the same name as this bat file set log=%~n0.%yyyymmdd%.log echo %date% %time% CREATED LOG FILE: %~n0.%yyyymmdd%.log >> %log% echo. echo %date% %time% CURRENT FILE RUNNING: %~nx0 echo %date% %time% CURRENT FILE RUNNING: %~nx0 >> %log% echo. :All the parameters in action @echo off echo %date% %time% passed in parameter %1 echo %date% %time% fully qualified name %~f1 echo %date% %time% drive %~d1 echo %date% %time% path %~p1 echo %date% %time% filename %~n1 echo %date% %time% file extension %~x1 echo %date% %time% short filename %~sn1 echo %date% %time% short file extension %~sx1 echo %date% %time% drive and directory %~dp1 echo %date% %time% filename and extension %~nx1 REM Prompt the user for something... set /P myvar=Would you like to add something? echo. echo Thanks! echo. echo You entered %myvar% echo. echo %date% %time% %myvar% >> %log%
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